Most orthodontics patients are interested in braces because they are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. However, braces are much more than a cosmetic enhancement for your smile. This guide will explain three of the most important ways braces can change your life for the better.
1. Fewer Problems Eating and Speaking
People with malocclusion, or misaligned teeth, may avoid eating certain foods because they are difficult or painful to chew. Unfortunately, these problems can frequently occur with fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. Difficulties eating with misaligned teeth can lead to malnutrition, and no one wants to cut foods from their diet that they enjoy.
Speech impediments are commonly associated with misaligned teeth. Many of the syllabic sounds used in speech rely on touching the teeth with the tongue. Even slight misalignment of the teeth can have a noticeable effect on speech. Braces can eliminate a lifelong lisp and other pronunciation challenges to allow you to speak with more confidence.
2. Less Frequent Cavities and Headaches
Braces are a commitment to improving your oral health, which in turn can improve your overall health. Misaligned teeth may be difficult to brush and floss because of crowding from adjacent teeth. Braces treatment makes it easier to clean your teeth completely after they have been straightened, so you are less likely to have problems with cavities.
People with malocclusion may experience frequent headaches or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain because their jaw does not rest properly when their teeth are clenched. TMJ pain may be particularly problematic for dental patients who grind their teeth in their sleep. These symptoms often disappear after treatment with braces because the jaw can now close in the proper position.
3. Improved Self-Image
Perhaps the most important change that many people see after receiving braces is an improvement in their self-image. Straight, healthy teeth allow you to smile and speak freely without concerns about your appearance. Speech is fundamental to virtually every social interaction, so people who have had braces may have more favorable interactions at work, school, and other aspects of daily life.
The popular concept of braces as a cosmetic dental device doesn't give a complete picture of the benefits of braces treatment. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile or are experiencing problems associated with misaligned teeth, schedule a braces consultation. Your orthodontist will determine if the benefits of braces are the right choice for your oral health.