When you first get your invisible aligners, you'll be so excited to finally be doing something about your crooked smile that you won't be able to wait to pop them into place. Soon after, however, you'll likely come across some little issues that will make you realize that wearing Invisalign is not always as simple as it sounds. Luckily, you can easily work through the
- When you're considering the best way to replace missing or broken teeth, your dentist will mostly likely offer you several choices. Two of the most popular choices in dental repair include putting in a bridge or getting dental implants. Bridges are less expensive, but implants have a variety of great benefits that a bridge cannot provide. Before you decide which optio
- When a patient has been unfortunate enough to suffer the loss of one of their teeth, it is important to have this cosmetic problem addressed as soon as possible. Being without a tooth for an extended period of time can cause the surrounding teeth to shift positions, which can make correcting the cosmetic issues more complicated. Once you have learned about the followi
- Are you looking to improve the whiteness of your teeth without spending too much money? If so, you may have considered buying teeth whitening kits from a nearby store. However, these kits may not be cheap and may not provide you with the results that you were hoping for, especially for the price you are paying for them. Well, instead of spending too much on teeth whit
- Having wisdom teeth removal surgery is not uncommon, with doctors saying that as many as 80% of people who have those 3rd molars need to have them removed. While the procedure itself is your dentist's responsibility, you will be given instructions for after-care that you must follow carefully. Failing to follow directions can potentially cause a complication to your o