Dental implants in the U.S. are quite expensive, but at least there is the general guarantee that your implants will be properly inserted and stay put indefinitely. If you go outside the U.S., there is no regulation for this surgery and no guarantees that you will get the same level of professionalism you would get at home. In fact, if you get dental implants abroad i
- A lot of people are not satisfied with their smiles due to the color of their teeth. Discoloration of teeth is something that affects most people to some extent, yet it is something that your dentist can fix if you desire whiter teeth. If you have discolored teeth and want to have whiter teeth, there are several different types of procedures that dentists offer that m
- If you avoid eating cold foods because they cause tooth pain, you should let your dentist know. Sensitive teeth can often be treated so you can eat and drink without discomfort. Several things cause tooth sensitivity, so the first step is uncovering the cause so the right treatment can be given. Here are some causes of this dental problem and treatments your dentist m
- It's the parent's job to make sure that their child is brushing their teeth properly, and it starts with getting them the right kind of toothbrush. While you may be tempted to give them whatever free brush was picked up at the last dental cleaning, you could improve their oral health by picking the right kind of toothbrush. Here are some tips to follow that will help.
- Enjoying good dental health will take work. It's important to visit the dentist biannually to have a thorough cleaning and evaluation of your teeth. If you've been advised by your dentist to get a dental crown, you may experience some anxiety. However, the key to feeling better about this procedure may rest in knowing several myths that are floating around about a cro